Saturday, November 28, 2009

Torn Between Two Lovers.....

Two weeks after I started in my new job, I got an invitation for an interview with a great company "Company J", a Mubadalla Company to be exact. A few days before, I have a one-on-one talk with our CEO about his plans, that the company is growing fast and that he needs good people to fill in high positions. He in fact wants me to lead the accounting section and to be closely associated with our contacts in the banks. I was dumbfounded of the offer considering the fact that yes we have a Finance Controller who should be discussing this matter with me since am reporting directly to him and what complicates this development most is, I have a colleague who is actually functioning as such. How exactly he's going to enforce his plans without hurting other people, am not sure.

Anyway, I went for the interview. I was interviewed first by the HR, then by the person whom I'll be reporting to directly. The interviewer have made it clear that they need "me" immediately since they will be having an interim audit in the next two months and "we'll" have to prepare for it. All those two hours of gruelling interview, the words of our CEO keeps on echoing in the deep recesses of my mind. I told the interviewer that I'll be glad to join them but in a month's time. The one month will give me time to cleansed my guilt so to say but am actually more concerned about what our CEO would say. Also, I reckon, if Company J want me, then they'll wait, if not, then it's not meant to be. I therefore, did not get the job, I didn't know exactly why. Also, my current company is not that bad, staying is not that bad, or so I thought.....