Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It aint virus

The surprise

The blood test came and it isn't virus.  Hubby and I cannot believe that we are going to have a baby!  We are at this time in our life when having a small kid to take care until our golden years is just out of the question.  After discussing and moaning about it, we have to accept the fact that this gift was given to us for good reasons.  There has always been only the two of us, the teen is away for school and the most we've contributed on her growing up years is limited to financial support. I am glad though that in spite of our absence, she grows up to be a sensible young woman.

This surprise will definitely change the way we live, we would be more like a family (I hope), than two adults trudging this life aimlessly.  Everyone in the family who knows I am pregnant is happy, I have not told the others yet, especially the teen as she have been a unica hija for so long, I am concerned how she will accept the news.

The preparation

My younger sister have just given birth also and the best part is, she have all we need to prepare for the baby's coming.  My insurance also covers everything whether the delivery is normal or ceasarian section.  With my age, I'll definitely be CS, same as my first.  I am glad that my company provides great benefits for mothers like me.  I hope everything will go smoothly as it is now until delivery.


Work is still lousy, I cannot wait to move back to my previous office and previous function, it was more fun and professionally fulfilling. I get calls for a job interview, but with my current condition, it is more prudent to stay put until the baby is out.  I do not see anything interesting in my current company, we have not won any projects yet for next year.  Oh well, what to expect, we have baboons for management.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hello my lonesome blog!

Its been a long time since I posted something on this blog.  I always thought of updating but the lazy me keeps on procrastinating.


I went to see a doctor last night as I am feeling really weak.  Again, I am a victim of viral infection which I reckon got it from my nephew.  Last year same thing happened, went to my sister's house, nephew is sick and I came home sluggish.  It's Ramadan and I cannot fast as I need to take the various medicine that the doctor have prescribed.  I hate getting sick, but I hate going to work more.


Currently I am assigned to head the Finance Department of one of the company's joint venture.  The company is in a very bad shape and with the current direction that the existing management is taking it, it is beyond salvation.  Customer service and product quality are two of the most important aspects in brand creation.  This company though is only banking on its quality as better than the competitor forgetting that a good customer service is what keeps the customer happy.  Everyone in the company have this gloomy look, morale is very low and the management does not give a damn, in fact they want to fire everyone and start new as if the mistake is caused by these lowly employees, the losses are all caused by themselves. I feel sorry for the poor employees, the management does not see that they have morale responsibilities too.

Now I feel like am going to vomit, damn this virus whatever it is.