Saturday, November 28, 2009

Torn Between Two Lovers.....

Two weeks after I started in my new job, I got an invitation for an interview with a great company "Company J", a Mubadalla Company to be exact. A few days before, I have a one-on-one talk with our CEO about his plans, that the company is growing fast and that he needs good people to fill in high positions. He in fact wants me to lead the accounting section and to be closely associated with our contacts in the banks. I was dumbfounded of the offer considering the fact that yes we have a Finance Controller who should be discussing this matter with me since am reporting directly to him and what complicates this development most is, I have a colleague who is actually functioning as such. How exactly he's going to enforce his plans without hurting other people, am not sure.

Anyway, I went for the interview. I was interviewed first by the HR, then by the person whom I'll be reporting to directly. The interviewer have made it clear that they need "me" immediately since they will be having an interim audit in the next two months and "we'll" have to prepare for it. All those two hours of gruelling interview, the words of our CEO keeps on echoing in the deep recesses of my mind. I told the interviewer that I'll be glad to join them but in a month's time. The one month will give me time to cleansed my guilt so to say but am actually more concerned about what our CEO would say. Also, I reckon, if Company J want me, then they'll wait, if not, then it's not meant to be. I therefore, did not get the job, I didn't know exactly why. Also, my current company is not that bad, staying is not that bad, or so I thought.....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Still alive and kicking!!

"It's just a matter of, which side of the fence is greener".

The economic crisis have changed a lot of lives. Some for the better, but a lot have been sucked and f*kced by it. Families have no choice but to go back to their home country with whatever is left in their shattered lives here.

I was browsing through a local website where second hand furnitures are on sale and I stumbled on an ad that gives out his sofa for free. I sent a message and got a reply immediately. Surprise, surprise, he was an ex colleague. He have not found a job yet since leaving the "company" in Dec 08 and can't really go back to his home country as recession there is worst and finding a job would be more difficult than in the UAE. There are quite a lot of similar stories, those who can't ride the tide, have to leave. For others, UAE (Dubai especially) may have been hit badly by the recession, but where they come from, it's simply hell.
15, 20 or 30 years and you now have to leave the country you call home to a place that you call your own but know little about.

UAE is a lot of everything and it gives a chance to those viewed as persona non grata by the immigration standards of the West, but the fact remains, no expat can become a national.

I have been here for a little over 5 years, meet a few friends and it's here I found my Knight of the Shining
Armour. I have a number of opportunities to move to other countries, but I have now too called this place my home, how long we'll stay here, I don't know. I already love this place, the melting pot of all nationalities, the year long sunshine, the much anticipated rains and floods during winter, the amazing skycrapers in Sheikh Zayed road, the sand dunes, prestine beaches, super mega malls and all within a few minutes drive from where I live. Dubai is indeed a lively and exciting place to live.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I need to move out

Been selling my car frantically for deposit to a new apartment as I need to be near work. Car not sold, in this economic downturn buyers are asking for ridiculous price. Hopefully tomorrow.....

Mind was not functioning well, have lots going on the past months, lots but nothing productive really, except that I got a new job. I have other interviews but the me wants to work in a place I can co exist. I don't want to work just for money, a wrong decision I've made in my previous company. This new work though have higher salary and better benefits package, the long wait was well rewarded. Free annual air ticket to my home country up to Davao for me and my family! Everybody's jealous :).

In a hurry to get out of the house today to pick up my job transfer documents from my previous office so I can start with my new company, while in the elevator, ouch, am wearing my bathroom sleepers :).

My daughter also asks me to prepare an appointed guardian letter forAdDU (high school dept.). Too lazy to get out and scan the letter, so I just pasted my electronic signature into the document and print the letter in adobe, wallaaa, sent it without me going out. Technology today make lives of lazybones easier.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Am I Thinking!!!!

"There maybe a lot of fish in the ocean, but not every fish is worth catching...."

My phone rings at noon of 29th April

co: Hi Liza, will you be available for an interview tomorrow at 9am?
me: What company is this by the way?
co: It's T Company, you've responded to our ad dated 28th April
me: In my thoughts, wow, that fast? "Will 11am be fine?"

While on the way for the interview, phone rings again

agent: Hi Liza, will you be interested for a temp position? You know how the market now these days, it would be a good time to take this position while you are searching for a better one and ride out the tide.
me: Ahhh, yeah, that should be alright (desperation).
agent: On what visa are you on?
me: Employment visa, will expire next year.
agent: Oh, that's good, are you available for interview today?
me: Brain have to work fast, "Am free at 2pm".
agent: Okey, I will send your CV to them and tell them you'll be there at 2pm.
me: Waiting for further instruction...nothing..."So what company is it, where located?"
agent: It's in Deira, Twin Tower Building, company is a pharmaceutical company, you know them?
me: yeah, of course, they're quite big. Okey, I'll be there at 2pm. By the way, what street is it? Any landmark?
agent: Don't know exactly what street they are, but it's a twin tower, a big building, you will not missed it.

First interview went well. I was asked to wait, clock is ticking and its almost 1pm. Finally, they called me back and was told to proceed to the Knowledge Village on Monday for another interview.

I was in a hurry to go for my 2pm appointment, which is actually just 3 kilometers away from where I am, I realized then, I didn't have the floor of the building where the company is. I called the agent but he was out in a meeting. I am wondering if he have sent my CV to this company. Anyway, being too eager to have another interview after months of without any calls, I've decided to just call 181 for the company's telephone number. Got the telephone number and have asked for the office floor.

me: I have a scheduled interview today at 2pm, am in your building but don't know exactly where you are?
pharma co.: 14th floor
me: (talking to the front desk, finally able to locate the office) I have an interview today at 2pm?
front desk: (puzzled) Do you have an appointment?
me: I got a call from this recruitment agency this morning, I assume he have made an appointment with your HR at 2pm today.
reception: I didn't have your paper, anyway, please take a seat.

How stupid of me, the HR did got my papers, but didn't confirmed the appointment. They being too polite, conducted the impromptu interview.

May 04, went to the second interview at the Knowledge Village for T Company. I'll be damned, its an interview with a shrink! and with the other 5 candidates. While am having a chat with the other candidates, I found out that one of them have actually worked with the same company I used to work before. Hahaha, yeah, we did meet at one point, I was the head of accounts and he was the inventory in-charge at the storage. He did say that I was familiar to him, but I can't place him anywhere, even when he told me that we did work for the same company. Anyway, the shrink told us that their client company will call us and that we are free to go. We were told to bring our original documents for this interview, with the intention that whoever is selected, employment will be processed immediately. I was disheartened, who among us will be called back?

May 05, received an email from one of the companies (E Company) I've applied to. "Your CV is now with the recruitment specialist". Am ecstatic, this is the company I wanted to work for, but... I didn't know if the email means am shortlisted for the initial interview.

May 06, phone rings and yes, it's the recruitment specialist for E Company and interview is set the next Wednesday May 13. Phone rings again, its the shrink, that I have another interview with T company the next day.

May 07, T Company offered me the job, finally after months of searching. They want me though to submit my NOC immediately and all the other documents. This will mean I have to get my visa cancelled and transfer to them by Saturday, May 09. Oooops, I have another interview on the 13th, I can't get my visa cancelled, not yet. I wanna see how this interview will go, before I decide. Saturday, May 09 T Company called me up, told them I can't transfer my visa yet, have to make up some excuse. It looks like they can't wait and have not called me back.

May 13, went to the interview for E Company, everything went well, I guess. I was told they will call me back next week. The day is too long if you are waiting for something, I have a good feeling for the company, but you'll never know.

Got a call from E Company today. WTF!!! I missed the call, my phone is on silent mode. I noticed the call only 20 minutes after and when I called back nobody picks up the phone. I felt like I've died. I should not let an opportunity like this pass. I'll try to call back tomorrow, am hoping for a good news. Please pick up my call....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Je Ne Regrette Rien

"Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien
Ni Le Bien Qu`on M`a Fait, Ni Le Mal

Tout Ca M`est Bien Egal

Non, Rien De Rien, Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

C`est Paye, Balaye, Oublie, Je Me Fous Du Passe"

It's April and I am now a master of television programs. My days were filled with checking the morning papers for job posting, the online job posting, the job websites and everything else on the net that relates to job hiring. Now that I desperately want my phone to ring, nobody's calling.

I can't be depressed, I told myself. This would be the last thing that's gonna happen to me. I have conquered all odds before, I would certainly be able to come out a winner now. I was deep in my thoughts when suddenly a very powerful yet lonely voice came on the tv, it's in French! I don't understand a thing but I know the song talks about life and the choices we've made. After hearing this song, Edith Piaf have become one of my favorite singers, she's just magnificent.

Je Ne Regrette Rien

(The English version)

No! Absolutely nothing...
No! I regret nothing
Neither the good that I've done nor the bad
All this is much the same to me!

No! Absolutely nothing...
No! I regret nothing...
It is paid, swept away, forgotten
I don't care about the past!

With my souvenirs
I lit a fire
My sorrows, my pleasures
I need them no more!

Swept away the love affairs
With their tremors
Swept away forever
I leave with nothing ...

No! Absolutely nothing...
No! I regret nothing
Neither the good that I've done nor the bad
All this is much the same to me!

No! Absolutely nothing...
No! I regret nothing...
Because my life, because my joys
Today that begins with you!

We all have our moments of despair, of wrong decisions, of wrong choices...but those moments are what shaped us what we are today... no regret, absolutely nothing to regret.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The way we were

"As I looked back on those good old days, young and careless, thinking that we can conquer the world, such naivety. We all have changed, physically at least, but the memories of those moments are still fresh in my mind and will always be cherished."

August 1993, I started my new life and new career in Makati, a place where I spent the best 4 years of my life. I was born and raised in the gloomy village of Mintal, which is some 8 kilometers west of downtown Davao. I remember, the only time my parents will take us to the city center is when we have to buy school supplies once a year in Gaisano Bolton. I have never seen a movie in the cinema until I was in college. The only dream I have then was to build a bungalow house, yes I did make a small version, a child's dream. My folks thought I should be an architect, in my mind all I want is a nice house to live in, I don't even have a clue what an architect is.

My folks enrolled me in BS Education, but I can't see myself as a mentor, am too scattered brained. The next semester I shifted to BSC but still doesn't have a clue as to what I shall be doing after. I want to be a civil engineer at the University of the Philippines but in my young mind I know, it's not possible. My parents can't afford to send me to a local college how much more to a university in Manila. I hurdle each semester as a workscholar then on my 3rd year I was hired as a secretary for a BIR examiner. I was so happy to finally land a real job, although I don't have a real salary but my boss is benevolent enough to provide for my school fees and living expenses until I graduate. A month after receiving my diploma I was hired as a bookkeeper for a local company without informing my boss at the BIR. The free-spirited me can't wait to experience life.

A year after graduating, my sister Belen offered to send me to Manila for my CPA review. It was an opportunity I can't missed, living and working in the big city is what I've always dreamed of. I may really be gifted, I passed the CPA board exam in one take. Acquaintances and friends I have in Manila were amazed at how I did it since they seldom see me study, am always out on trips somewhere.

I started my career in Manila as a banker in one of the universal banks in Makati. Having come from the province, everything seemed surreal, I work in one of the biggest building in the center of Makati, a nice office, my officemates were from top universities and here I am, one of them. Since all of us were almost of the same age and I guess of the same hunger for excitement, we all love to waste our earnings shopping to the max, dining out and before we knew it, we have no more money left that can last us until the next salary. Out of town trips are our most favorite. I have one officemate who's grandma have a fish farm in Bulacan. The boat ride is one of the perks, but the best part is the freshly catch bangus (milkfish) fried crisply and his mom's oxtail kare kare, just the best. I never have a manic Monday, as I always look forward to seeing my second family after a Sunday hiatus, wait, did we ever take a break? We seemed to go on and on, weekdays are all work, work, work and weekend all fun, fun, fun. The carefree lifestyle didn't last long though, things changed, guess its the realization that we all have a future to look forward to, a future that will be laden with more responsibilities, scary but inevitable. Some left for a better opportunity, some have committed stupid mistakes but nevertheless didn't regret of the outcome but most got caught in the oldest institution of marriage.

For all of us, the cyle of life have just begun.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

To do or not to do

"Sometimes we are faced with decisions that are against our principles."

Things happened so fast and I find myself in an assignment doing what I thought I would never do. For financial reasons, I decided to just take everything in a stride while waiting for a better opportunity, also I was promised a higher pay.

I can't help but loathe the new job. Just thinking about losing the 12 years I've spent honing my skills makes me cringe. What used to be a dynamic and exciting work environment have lost its radiance and work have become work in its truest sense, everyday have become a struggle. One of the lessons I've learned is that, money is not everything, you need to love what you do. As Confucius once said, "Find the job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

Finally last Sept 2008, I got a job offer in one of the biggest property developer in Dubai with a good salary package. I was so ecstatic but the excitement is short lived. To make the story short, with the current economic downturn, the company have to scale back the project before I was to join them. It's so tragic!

In Nov, I rolled my car in one of the most dangerous sports of dune bashing, broke my clavicle badly and have no choice but to stay home. Happy though that am alive after rolling 3 times!

Up and about. For the last 2 months I've been searching for a finance job, a job that am good at and even a lot more knowledgeable than other financial managers I know. I got some calls from the recruitment agencies, still waiting though for an actual interview from probable employers. I don't know how long I can hold on to find that "job", I may just have to take whatever may come. With the crisis, job hunting can be so frustrating.

Yesterday, I sent out an email to my ex-boss for the unpaid bonus. I got a reply, "Speak next week?" What should I say? Hmmm, "Sure anytime. When are you available?"

Will I get paid next week?